Considering the importance of Inland Water Transport (IWT) as an alternative and supplementary mode of transport and its potential in the country (14500 Kms of navigable waterways), Government of India have finalised the Inland Water Transport Policy framework which, among other things, envisages that the private sector is actively involved in its development. With a view to give wide publicity and involve various stake holders, namely, the State Governments, concerned ministries/organisations of Govt. of India, public sector undertakings, private sector companies, shippers, vessel builders and operators, banks and financial institutions, etc, it was decided to hold Interactive Meets on Development of Inland Water Transport at various places in the country.
In pursuance to this, the National Level Meet was held at New Delhi on 8th June, 2001 followed by the first Regional Meet at Patna on 16th July, 2001 and the second one was held at Avenue Centre, Kochi on 4th August, 2001. Sh. O. Rajagopal, Hon'ble Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs and Railways,
Government of India, was the Chief Guest and he inaugurated the meet. Professor K. V . Thomas, Hon 'ble Minister for Tourism and Fisheries, Government of Kerala was honoured Special Guest. |
The response from the Government of Kerala, the public sector undertakings based in and around Kerala, private sector companies, vessel builders, vessel operators, Boat Owners' Association, financial institutions, traders, etc. was overwhelming and the hall with the capacity of 300 persons was fully packed. The participants from places as far as Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi etc. participated in the Meet. All the participants from Government, Semi- Government as well as the private sector were very enthusiastic about development ofNW-3.
The participants from tourism sector, both in Government and private sector, were equally keen for development of waterway based tourism along NW-3 as Kerala's rich culture provides vast and varied potential for development of tourism related activities. Both electronic and print media covered the entire event. There was positive and constructive repo11ing by the print media before and after the meet. This contributed to the general awareness of the public about IWT. The list of participants is at annexure -' A '.
Welcoming the delegates, Shri M Ramachandran, Joint Secretary (Shipping) stated that the cargo movement by IWT was less than 1 % of the total inland cargo in the country. Rest of the cargo was being transported by road and rail. He emphasised the need for development of IWT, which is an eco-friendly and cost effective mode and should be developed as an alternate mode of transport in the country to reduce ever increasing pressure
on rail and road sectors. Since, India has vast IWT potential, it can playa significant role in augmenting the transport infrastructure in the country. He invited suggestions from the participants to enable the Govt. to formulate policy for
intermodel transport mix so that advantages of lWT could be exploited.
As Shri Arun Jaitely, Hon'ble Minister for Shipping and Shri Hukumdeo Narayan Yadav, Hon'ble Minister of State for Shipping could not make it conveninent to attend the meet due to on going Parliament Session, Sh. Ramchandran read over their messages to the gathering. The messages are placed at Annexure -3 & 4.
4. |
Shri B.N.Jha, Chairman, IW AI in his introductory address brought out the importance of inland water transport in accelerating the economic growth of the country and stated that IWT in many Western countries as also some Asian countries has already emerged as an effective alternate mode of transport. He informed that India has a coastline of about 6,000 Kms with 12 major ports and 163 minor/intermediate ports.
Although, India has about 14,500 Kms of inland waterways network consisting of rivers, lakes and canals, yet IWT sector has only recently received its due attention. Much more needs to be done to really take advantage of this gift of nature. Greater involvement of State Governments in developing IWT sector would be essential to derive the benefits of the IWT policy of the Government. He stated that Mississippi river in U.S.A. and the St.Lawrence river between U.S. and Canada have become back bones for cargo transportation of industrial and agricultural produce.
Cargo transportation through IWT in India was a meagre 1 % as against 10-20% share in U.S.A, Europe and China. With global economy and the W.T.O regime, there will be greater movement of goods to and fro. This will create heavy pressure on the already burdened transport system of rail and road. There is limit for expansion of rail and road capacity on account of constraints of available land, exorbitant cost and environmental considerations. Cost effectiveness of IWT could be assessed from the fact that while development of 1 Km of highway costs Rs 6 Cr, much less than this amount was enough to develop 100 Kms of waterway. There are some hazardous commodities, which should not be allowed to be transported on road. In view of these constraints and considerations, the development of Inland Water Transport has become more relevant in today's context.
Chairman, IW AI informed that the West Coast Canal from Kollam to Kottapuram along with Champakara and Udyog Mandai Canals for a total length of 205 Kms is the third National Waterway of the country, the other two being the Ganga and the Brahmaputra. He also stated that the West Coast Canal (NW-3), has some natural advantages over other National Waterways as it runs parallel to the roads. This removed the distance disadvantage, which exists in the other waterways. On the other hand, the Ganga and the Brahmaputra are alluvial rivers, which carry large amount of sediments during floods and have characteristics of braiding and meandering.
Maintenance of depth of the channel and construction of pem1anent tem1inals becomes a difficult and costly proposition. In NW-3, the water level fluctuations are confined to tidal variations only. The depth once increased by capital dredging can be maintained with nominal maintenance dredging for 4 years. This also helps in construction of pem1anent terminals. He Informed that the waterway would be develqped to have a depth of 2m; width of 32m/38M and vertical clearance of 10m under the structures.
Capital dredging works for a quantity of 2 million cu mts to provide depth, land acquisition (7-8 hac. already acquired) for construction of 11 IWT terminals at Kottapuram, Alva, Earnakulam (GC), Eanakulam (CEPZ), Vaikkom, Cherthala (Thannermukkom), Alappuzha, Trikunnapuzha, Kayamkulam, Chavara and Kollam and land acquisition for widening of narrow reaches of the waterway were already in progress. He appealed the dredging agencies who had been awarded, this work in NW-3, to resume the work immediately after the monsoon and complete it without much ado. He further informed that construction of terminals has been entrusted to CPWD who would be completing the design/ estimates in 2 months' time.
Chairman, IW Al stated that the channel will be ready for navigation by the second year of the loth plan and urged all the agencies, both in public and in the private sector, who have stake in IWT to take active participation in the process. He also called upon to avail the benefits of new policy package of the Central Government, which offers attractive opportunities to the private sector for investment. He also stated that the Government will create the basic infrastructure and would take up various works through joint ventures with the State Government / private sector.
IWT terminal sites would become nucleus for Growth Centres, which would boost processing capabilities, provide employment opportunities to the backward areas of the state besides promoting tourism in Kerala. Considering the advantages the NW-3 had over other waterways, he opined that the NW-3 would become an important National Waterway of the country.
Chairman, IW AI said that besides inter-modal mix with road and rail, inland water transport in NW.3 provides an excellent opportunity to undertake projects for linking the waterway with the port. This will provide a direct access to the products of the hinterland to the ports contributing to cost advantage in export of commodities. Similarly, the imported goods as also the goods from one state to the other can be carried by sea or coastal shipping integrated with IWT. As the cargo can be shifted from mothership to the IWT vessels, it will avoid handling and shifting to truck/rail. Some very useful and attractive projects can be undertaken in an around Cochin Port Trust linking the port to the waterway.
Chairman, IW AI also stated that infrastructure has to be created by investing substantial funds to promote transportation on the waterways. IW AI has undertaken the task to maintain requisite depth and to create the required infrastructure. However, funds through budgetary support alone will not meet the requirement. Hence, private sector participation in developing infrastructure and providing the operational services is of paramount importance. With this in view, the new policy package of the Central Government offers attractive opportunities for private sector to contribute to the development of IWT and also benefit from various concessions and incentives.
There are a number of areas such as fairway development, construction and operation of terminals, installation and maintenance of navigation aids, pilotage, warehousing, loading/unloading facilities, etc. where joint ventures can be formed by private sector investors with the State Governments and the Central Government.
Chairman, IW AI informed that studies conducted on behalf of IW AI by various organisations have found substantial cargo potential for movement on NW-3. The raw material and finished products of FACT Ltd., Kochi Refineries Ltd., HPCL, IOC, Indian Rare Earth Ltd. and other products such as coir, cement can be transported through this eco- friendly mode. He appealed all concerned industrial establishments, especially those engaged in production of POL products to make use of IWT. It will be safer, easier and perhaps cheaper. Now that IW AI is making full efforts to maintain adequate depth in the channel, there should not be problem in using this mode.
Chairman, IW AI also emphasised the need for faster growth of tourism sector in Kerala where beautiful natural waterways and backwaters are available and should be fully exploited. IW AI would like to work in co-operation with Department of Tourism, Government ofKerala as also with private sector organisations/companies engaged in thissector.
Their co-operation in
providing their experience
in development of
waterborne tourism in
other river sectors such
as Allahabad-Varanasi,
Buddhist circuits near
Patna, Sunder bans in West
Bengal, Kazi Ranga in
Assam etc. will also be of
immense help in promoting
tourism in these areas.
Chairman assured that IW
AI will make the IWT
related constructions
along the waterways
tourism friendly,
reflecting the culture and
natural beauty of the
State. He requested Chief
Engineer, CPWD to note
this and if necessary,
services of a good
architect could be hired.
11. |
Chairman, IWAI expressed
great satisfaction over
the overwhelming response
from the Govt. of Kerala,
Cochin Port Trust,
dredging and shipping
companies, ship builders
and officials of PSUs,
banking and financial
institutions and assured
active follow up on the
deliberations in the
interactive meet. He
thanked the Chairman,
Cochin Port Trust for his
cooperation extended in
organising the meet and
hoped that CPT would
continue to cooperate in
the mission of IWAI in
developing of IWT in
Kerala. The speech of
Chairman, IWAI is enclosed
at Annexure-5.
12. |
his keynote address, Shri
M.P. Pinto, Secretary,
Ministry of Shipping
broadly explained the new
IWT policy of the Central
Govt. and stated that the
Government was committed
to develop inland water
transport as an alternate
and supplementary mode of transport
to railways and roadways.
Under the IWT policy, IWAI
can raise bonds from the
market; it can enter into
joint ventures with State
Govts. And private sector
companies; IWT facilities
can be developed under BOT
projects; rate of
depreciation has been
brought at par with sea
going vessels; 100% income
tax would be exempted in
respect of the investments
in this sector for 5 years
and further 30% can be
availed in the next five
years within 15 years as
in the case of National
Highways, 30% vessel
building subsidy is under
finalisation and in
principle approval has
been given for levying
minimum customs duty on
imported equipment and
machinery for development
of inland waterways.
13. |
He informed that the Govt.
had identified various
areas for private sector
participation and invited
large scale participation
in (i)ownership and
operation of vessels for
cargo and passengers; (ii)fairway
development and
maintenance; (iii)construction
and operation of river
terminals on river ports;
(iv)provision and
operation of mechanised
cargo-handling systems; (v)putting
up and maintenance of
navigational aids; (vi)provision
of pilotage services; (vii)setting
up and running of IWT
training institutions.
14. |
Pinto stated that there
was need for an efficient
transportation system to
deliver goods. Waterways,
given by nature, should
provide a cost effective
mode of transport. IWT had
advantages over railways
and roadways both in cost
and energy consumption and
appealed for its use for
transportation of cargo.
For everyone rupee spent
for IWT development, the
corresponding cost for
development of same length
of roadways and railways
would be Rs.2 and Rs.5
respectively. In case of
energy consumption, the
ratio would be between 1.5
and 4 respectively. He
also brought out that the
major inherent advantages
of IWT included doubling
of load capacities for a
small increase in depth;
thereby providing an aging
flexibility and cost
elasticity which did not
exist in other modes of
transport. He said that
the Union Government would
act as a facilitator to
the private sector in
developing IWT and
suggested involvement of
State Government in policy
decisions. He
also referred to the need to start fixed scheduled cargo service as a promotional venture even though full load cargo may not be available at all times and sectors at commercially viable freight.
He also informed that Ministry of Shipping, with a view to promoting IWT in an accelerated manner, has constituted Inland Water Transport Development Council under the Chairmanship of Minister of Shipping with members from 14 States. He urged to use the facilities available with the Cochin Port Trust to make IWT cheaper. He said that there should be more interaction between the state and central government and suggested setting up of the two committees, one at the level of state government preferably headed by a Minister or a Secretary to the State Govt. and the second under the Chairmanship of Chairman, CPT with one of the users as a member & IW AI representative as convener.
Shri George Eden, Hon'ble Member of Parliament emphasised the importance oflWT in decongesting roads and ensuring pollution free transportation. He expressed that the development of roadways was a costly affair and emphasised the need for special attention to National Waterway -3, being the first waterway in South India. He expressed concern over the erosion of the banks particularly in the narrow stretches in Champakkara and Udyogmandal Canals and stated that the State Govt. should make use of grants provided under Centrally Sponsored Schemes. He also assured that the State Govt. would take active part in IWT operations by entering into joint venture projects with IW AI, which would provide great employment potential in the region.
Prof. K. V. Thomas, Hon'ble Minister for Tourism and Fisheries, Govt. of Kerala stated that IWT, once developed between Kasargode and Trivandrum, would play an important role in development of Kerala and expressed that the transportation by lWT would be 50% cheaper than road transport. He stressed that an Inter-Ministerial and secretary level committees comprising representatives from Department of Tourism and Department of Transport of the State Govt. was required for development of IWT. He further stated that the development of small waterways linking National Waterway under the Centrally Sponsored schemes might be required.
Hon'ble Minister appreciated that a consensus had emerged among the speakers that side-by-side the development of tourism sector along the waterway should be developed. He said that Kerala, particularly its backwaters and the NW -3 offered tremendous and varied opportunities for different kinds of tourism activities. The idea of developing tourism facilities at the IWT terminals was appreciated. Similarly, tourism activities such as water sport, house boats etc. could be developed by the Department of Tourism, Government of Kerala and the private sector entrepreneurs individually as
well as in close co-operation and co-ordination with each other. Transportation of commodities and
passengers including the tourist traffic would be most welcome and the Government of Kerala will not to be found wanting in extending co-operation for making best use of the waterway potential in the State.
The Chief Guest, Shri O. Rajagopal, Hon'ble Union
Minister of State for Parliamentary Affairs and Railways, stated that the State of Kerala was bestowed with wide net work of waterways, canals, lakes stretching from North to Southern part of the State and it should be used for all-round development of the State. He stressed the need for scientific development of the natural waterway system for deriving optimum benefits in transportation.
He also stated that the
development of IWT would
facilitate economic
development of the State.
Besides lower fuel
consumption and
construction costs, the
aspect of safety to human
life should be given due
importance while
considering the project
and stated that the IWT
had an inherent advantage
in ensuring minimum human
loss against very frequent
accidents in case of
roadways and railways.
Referring to the
exorbitant cost of Rs.700
crores involved in the
Angamally - Sabari Railway
project stretching over
200 Kms against a meagre
cost of Rs.60 crores
involved in development of
Waterway of 205 Kms
between Kottappuram -
Kollam, the Hon'ble
Minister requested
Secretary, MOS to have a
fresh look on the cost
ratio of 1 : 2 : 5
indicated by him. As the
feeder Canals leading to
the National Waterway are
equally important in
promoting IWT in the
region, the Hon'ble
Minister desired that the
development of the same be
taken up giving due
consideration to the
tourism related
activities. |